Sunday, December 11, 2016

Point Blank

I'm going crazy thinking about you
Take your words and pierce me right through
Does it look like I give a damn anymore
So shoot me point-blank

Get out of my mind Get out get out
You have no idea what you've done to me
So leave me leave me leave me
To die here alone.

You pulled me closer to your misery
You touched me told me
And I felt it in my soul
And now you leave me leave me
To die here alone
So why don't you just shoot me shoot me point blank

I knew that this would end
But I was high in the air
My wings graced the wind next to you
Though it was wrong to love you
You can't tell me what I can or cannot feel for you
There is one thing I will never control
Cuz I don't care I will let my feelings go
And does it look like I give a Damn
Shoot me point blank

I hurt low inside
my chest seems numb
I hurt my own self
You refuse to let yourself go
To run toward me
To kiss me once more
And finally I am alive
Yes I am alive and the pain of regret will consume me

Forgetting you is trouble
Lurking next to my heart
You were never mine
I'm picking up the pieces
That I left behind
I don't ever want you to understand
Time will not mend
Too long is what I regret

I'm going crazy thinking about you  
take your words and pierce me right through
Does it look like I give a damn
So shoot me point-blank

And Leave me to die alone

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Wings of Glory

Is what I feel the whole world's weight upon my shoulders or is it my own guilt for it that has dragged me down?
How will I ever know?
When it is easy to point fingers and sabatoge love for anger.
Could it be that true passion lies within the beauty of self realization?
Or do masks unviel painted faces of glory?
Can hope defeat mockery?
While lies are wisped to create a sense of ideology that embraces nothing but agendas laying naked on bedsides of lions and tigers.
Flocks of sheeps are triggered by wolves of assumption,
Weeding out rams of ambition toward a waterless cliff.
Plundering like a wingless bird blinded by its lack of movement.
We stand together yet lose balance against our deepest misunderstandings.
And change will never become a white stallion galloping through like
thunder on top of an ageless mountain.
So gather up your news and stand firm.
Your day will come but it will be far too late to awaken the sun.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Refugee's Return

An old man walks silently among the olive branches
He sweeps his hand across each one,
His open arms embrace the fall and carry their limp figure toward the ground.
The ground feels his weight,
And once more the Earth trembles and weeps
Once more its tears flow rivers
Its mountains shake 
The sky dims its light.

Once more shadows fall among the lifeless roots 
And once more the man walks
Through the dust and sees another
His wrinkles barely noticed,
His brow still firm, his gaze steady.
He looks into the horizon across the land
Once more barren and terrorized
Once more savaged and naked
Once more footprints no longer seen.
He lays his head next to the soil
That grew and embraced the olive tree
Buried beneath emerging souls
A smile draws on his face
Whispers of words echo in the distance, 
The land awakens and welcomes the rhythm
Still alive to feel the touch of its people.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Identity of a Refugee

Somewhere along the border I left myself
Between chaos and sanity
I have entered a land I do not know
I was given a name
I was recognized for what I was.
Somewhere along the border I left myself
I let go of everything I knew
I was told to learn their language
And so I became one of them
I was recognized for my efforts
To spread my culture across
Though they listened well
And our tears flowed in unison,
My heart ached within
They could not understand
The hurt that I felt for my homeland.
Somewhere along the border I left myself
This pleases me well enough
To look back and say I have done
What others could not do
Luck was alongside me
And my misery grows strong
Knowing deep within that I have done wrong.
Somewhere along the border I left myself
And I ask for sympathy
Though I do not want you to understand
My fear stops me from leaving
What I feel guilty of building
And the work and help given
Days of routine and endless content
I have broken my intention
I do not seek what my soul desires
Friendships I do not feel
For I have become what I dread.
Somewhere along the border I left myself
My values are no longer mine
I am lured by the outside
I have forsaken empty promises
Greed has ventured inside
And to you I will plead
Behind my family weeps
In front is my future
I have nothing to tell my children
Except stories of my memories,
Nothing to touch anymore
I have gained an identity
A new life with no war.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


I tread my feet alongside my heavy heart,
Hoping one day you will join me again.
Though you only desire your misery to lead you
Not wanting anyone to understand.
So push through, for I push through
Fears do not hold me
They lead you along
A road that only you can follow
Drenched with calm I will Lay
Against your empty touch
That's stolen my tenderness Away.
Walk alongside your reflection,
Your back shuns my shadow,
I draw near and you draw far
Closer to a dimmed moon
In the air of the still night
Like a hungry wolf searching the mountain
To pull water from an empty well.
With dismay, you will return
Empty soul and a strong stride
Nothing is left for you to wonder
But what was there plunged deeper
For truth cannot be dispersed
If it was meant for you to belong.
Reach inside and hold on
And cross paths again,
What you seek is what you have already found.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Within Us

I cry these tears only in front of You
I cry because I don't know anymore
So I turn to You gasping for air.
My heart is aching by my weakened soul
I have tampered too long with blazing fire
And I long for Your desire inside.
I no longer wish to wait
I step and You will come rushing to my side,
And I'll rip my chest open for You
Knowing that You were meant for me all along.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

The mind and the Heart

Separate entities: the mind, the heart
The mind: unbending, direct, envisioning, sound, logical, uncanny, skeptical.
 The heart: loose, faltering, desire-driven, attached, unsure, craving.
When unified: humane, courageous, risk taking, ambitious, eager, genuine passion.
 We learn through our trials and realizations that we can be capable of adjusting our perceptions. We can believe others have goodness and we can become non judgmental. 
 Thus we build our own internal character by intertwining our mind and heart to not just show compassion, but to live our words. We pass on the notion of selfish antics and we become human; what we were meant to be all along. 

Needs and Wants

You want something so bad that you begin to need it, because of the want, it becomes a need. I want to feel human again, to fall in love to get hurt to cry away the pain. I don't mind to fall hard, I just want to feel. Maybe one day I will see that the pain was worth it because it will make me feel alive again. 
We live our days in minutes and hours, we build ourselves because we have nothing else, it keeps us busy preoccupied. 
Moments of humanity are far greater than any path toward money.
We are individuals, capable of understanding ourselves on a deeper level and building our inner self confidence. However, we allow the collective part of society hinder our perceptions. Our subconscious, seeps ideas into our very individual natures and we begin to consciously make decisions based on internal notions that we didn't even realize has a profound effect on us. Our easy jobs we stick to them because society has formulated this concept of needing to work to pay the bills and we brush the very essence of our individualism: it could have been a passion of ours- that's why most people are miserable in their jobs or stick to what they know because it's our comfort zone because we hear that so much we make it a part of our lives. 
Being a true individual is to think on your own to figure out what's right for you to grow and no one else. Same goes for love. For instance, we get into relationships stay in some forfeit others, we state I can't be with that person and move on. Is that us talking or is it the songs, other past relationships, friends relationship stories that bring us to this conclusion. So I say screw it all! Perhaps these stories are actually showing us that we need to do the total opposite. 
To be an individual and love is to be with someone you cannot be with, defy everything you have been afraid of and to risk it all (love, work personal- then you can truly know if that's the best for you)  It will only work if you are in a state to let it work, meaning nothing is holding you down, you have to be free to do this kind of move, and then you'll know and only then will you truly know.